Meet Our Newest Member of the Family!
On August 3rd, 2006, Caleb William Heaton was born at 1:31am, weighing 9 pounds, 2 ounces. Carie's labor lasted 16 hours and Caleb entered the world healthy and strong. We are very excited to have a new addition to our family--he is such a blessing to us!
Caleb is a very easy going little guy. He's happy the majority of the time unless he's hungry, tired, or having his diaper changed. : ) Caleb is also a great traveler--he likes riding in the car and going out with his mommy and daddy.
We have already celebrated one month of life for Caleb. He is growing so quickly right before our eyes. Being new parents is a lot of fun, but challenging at times. We are always saying we wish that Caleb would hold up signs for us letting us know what he needs--as sometimes it is a guessing game. Caleb is a lot of fun though and we are enjoying him so much--we think he is the cutest little baby ever! :)