Two Months And Counting
Smile Caleb
It's so hard to believe that Caleb has reached two months already! We are enjoying him so much. He is smiling all the time now and making mommy and daddy proud.
Caleb is growing like a weed! At his two month appointment he weighed exactly 13 pounds and was 23 1/2 inches. He is already almost out of his 3 month sleepers!
Mommy and daddy are getting a little more sleep at night as Caleb usually will sleep a six hour stretch. Naps are wonderful when we can get them. Caleb doesn't like to go to sleep but eventually he gets so tired he just cries himself to sleep. He's a social little guy who doesn't like to miss out on all the fun. :)
Our little apartment is filling up with more baby accessories every month it seems. : ) Caleb really enjoys his cradle swing and his new baby gym. He also loves lying on his back during his awake time and listening to music. He kicks his little legs and smiles at us.
We've posted a new link in the left column where you can view pictures of
Baby Caleb. We hope you enjoy them!